The Graceful Pilgrim's Life

The Graceful Pilgrim's Life

God's Providence to an Immigrant to the USA

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 2015-07-08 )

€ 36,80

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The Lord God shines His glory in the darkness of confusion by holding a despised and short young man in the restraining force of His special grace in the conflict of the church between the WCC and the non-ecumenical. He has shown me "vision" and dreams to give me hope despite the severe physical suffering and the financial hardship after the immigration to the USA. No one imagined my young wife a high school graduate in Korea to become a substitute to the suffering husband with her study in a college in the USA. As I prayed in fear of death, I lost my land in Korea but I could save my life to give pieces of advice to my wife and three sons that might complete their studies in the college and have the careers in the professions. I have realized there is no paradise in the world, making a life among the people of different cultures. I strongly believe Jesus shed His precious blood for all the people in the world and I will see Him in life here in the USA.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Christian Park

Number of pages:


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