The Overflowing Dimensions Of God

The Overflowing Dimensions Of God

Anything that flows mostly has a source

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 2015-06-29 )

€ 19,80

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I have thought for many years if we really can fathom how much God want to bless the works of His creation? It seems as mortal men, we often place a lid over our minds and have seem to have limited ideas that perceives God will only want to bless us in either small ways or by using a ‘one-size fit for all measure’. We as Christians sometimes live as if there is always a limits to what is possible and what blessings we can receive from the Lord. However, the Bible gives us a completely different perspective. For instance, Jesus speaking in John 10:10 says He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly or better still- in excess. In essence, it literally means that we are supposed to have and enjoy life “till it OVERFLOWS." The greatest secret of "OVERFLOWING" is holiness. God who is the ultimate author is holy. Holiness open the door to everything. Holiness mean obeying Him in everything.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Tim Awotide

Number of pages:


Published on:



Religion / Theology