Hello, Your Royal Highness!

Hello, Your Royal Highness!

A Bible Study For Teen Girls

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 2015-12-03 )

€ 28,80

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You are royalty! Royal blood runs through your veins; the blood Jesus Christ shed on Calvary. You are related by blood to the King of Kings and the Prince of Peace. You are a princess, Your Highness; You are the daughter of the Most High God! Hello, Your Royal Highness is a fun Bible Study book that seeks to remind you that you are a princess. It will remind you of who you are in Christ and that you were created to live for His glory. Your Highness, as an Ambassador for Christ, you have a duty to represent your King while you are here on this earth. Your mission is to point others to Him. You can make a difference! The Bible has many stories of ordinary ladies who - in spite of their hardships - were able to to trust God and stand up for the truth, no matter the consequences. Your Highness, that is what being a princess is all about. Honouring the One whom we represent - God Almighty. In case you are wondering, that princess can be you!

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Heri Ryanga
Tima Ryanga

Number of pages:


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