Spiritual Garments

Spiritual Garments

God’s Wisdom

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 2020-05-05 )

€ 23,90

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Before you serve in the Ministry of the Lord Jesus, it is wise to pause and ask yourself: “Do I qualify for the Ministry?" In the Old Testament, not everyone qualified to serve as priest. God had chosen only the house of Levi to serve in the priesthood ministry. Nowadays, some people apparently become ministers of the gospel on their own choice without being ordained, others for lack of an alternative work, while the genuine ones are chosen and called of God to minister the Bread of Life to His people. These are the true ministers with God's spiritual garments (faithfullness, holiness, forgiveness, compassion, humility, long-suffering, and love) and wisdom. Their spirits have been stirred and their lives have been moulded into vessels that God will use to serve His people the bread of life and bring a mighty harvest of souls into the Kingdom of God during this endtime generation. The Word of God is like a mirror; and, may you be taught by the Holy Spirit the divine ministry's truths in this invaluable book.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Bernard Kipsang Rop

Number of pages:


Published on:



Religion / Theology