Creation, The Cosmos and Incarnation :

Creation, The Cosmos and Incarnation :

A Theological Reading of Our Ecological Crisis in the light of the Geschean Thought

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 2020-11-10 )

€ 39,90

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The ecological crisis that our world is facing today is not only affecting other species which are threatened of extinction but also affects humankind. A genuine analysis of our ecological crisis shows that the environmental crisis is a manifestation of a threefold crisis of relation among God-Human-and the Cosmos. Inviting his contemporaries to build a new, healthy and friendly relationship with God and other creatures, Pope Francis, through his Encyclical Letter Laudato Si, reminds us that the Church implanted in the midst of the world is not deaf to the calls and cries of the world. The Church is part of the journey towards the eschatological end of all creation in God, who is the ultimate salvation. There is an urgent necessity to establish a friendly and healthy relationship and partnership among God, human beings and other creatures. The failure to establish that healthy relationship leads to anthropocentricism.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Marcel Agalani

Number of pages:


Published on:



Practical theology