The anointing of the Holy of Holies

The anointing of the Holy of Holies

The Baptism of Christ

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 2021-02-01 )

€ 23,90

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The Anointing of the Holy of Holies, or the Baptism of Christ, is the first in a series of wonderful prophetic and doctrinal teachings with the Bible. This postscript, inaugural of a collection of twenty-seven essays, will receive attention as a prelude to the birth and public manifestation of Christ to the Jewish nation by angels. It allows us to understand the impact of his baptism by John the Baptist in the Jordan as "Messiah"; that is, "Anointed by God". After this episode, Christ began his mission as the Savior of mankind. The event, predicted five centuries before our era, by Daniel, bore this historically proven testimony in the year 30. The Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove resting on Jesus, inaugurated for the Church, the fulfillment of Acts 2:17 “In the last days, saith God, I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will have visions, and your elders will have dreams. "

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Samuel Cameroun

Number of pages:


Published on:



Religion / Theology