Psalms of Doctor Ebot Ashu

Psalms of Doctor Ebot Ashu

Book of Universal Prayer

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 27.02.2015 )

€ 21,80

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This prayer book you hold in your hands is very special. It’s essentially a personal prayer book although the themes may provide the starting place for discussions, questions and shared prayers. Most of the prayers and reflections are my own understanding of God’s words in the bible, and I have included scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version and the New International Version (NIV); Book of Enoch; certain meditations from the Egyptian Book of the Dead; Book of Abraham; the Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses; the Greater keys of Solomon and other writers which I have found particularly helpful and challenging. This prayer book teaches us how to pray and reflects Dr Ebot Ashu's new, updated material on this subject. Dr Ebot Ashu believe that God will use this book to raise up and train a great number of people who know how to pray and who will be at the forefront of the work of the Lord in these last days." This prayer book is a "must" for every prayer group and church.

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Frederick Ebot Ashu

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Vallásos kéziratok, imakönyvek, himnuszok, vallásos meditáció