The Bible and The Church

The Bible and The Church

Sermons, Addresses and Papers on Scriptural Issues of Polity and Practice

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 22.12.2013 )

€ 35,80

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The Reformation watchword 'Scripture Alone' can still be heard in the preaching and teaching of many pulpits. It is however not easily seen in modern Evangelical church life. Over 30 years of ministry as a pastor and preacher, the author has witnessed a steady retreat from distinctly Scriptural practice in the face of modern culture and current trends of thought. This accommodation to relativism and religious consumerism has not strengthened, but weakened our witness to the crown rights of the Lord Jesus over His Blood-bought people. The light is being hidden; the salt is losing its savor. The sermons, addresses and papers contained in this small volume have one common aim: to recall Christians and churches in our time to the timeless, Biblical, Protestant, Puritan principle that the Holy Scriptures are in fact a sufficient, trustworthy, workable rule for practice as well as faith. The Bride of Christ urgently needs to return to the "simplicity of Christ" and to her "first love" for Him before He come.

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John Peter Bodner

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