God is at Work

God is at Work

Exploring the book of Esther- Our God is at work

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 01.04.2015 )

€ 19,80

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Esther is one of the Old Testament books of the Bible. The purpose of the book is to demonstrate God’s Sovereignty and His loving care for His people. Though the name of God is not mentioned in the book of Esther, all who understands how God promised to care and protect His chosen Nation (Israel), can easily see that He is at work through the circumstances and events that occurred. We are living in a generation where many people doubt the existence of God. Reading the book of Esther will help to see clearly that God does exist, although we cannot see Him physically, He is at work all the time. The book of Esther begins with Queen Vashti refusing to obey an order from her drunkard husband. The queen was abolished and Esther was then chosen as queen. Haman, who was an enemy of the Jews, planned a deadly plot to kill all the people of God in Persia. But his plan failed, because the God of the Jews, the almighty Jehovah was at work. When God is at work, His enemies must be careful! Through Queen Esther’s courageous act a whole nation was saved. When seeing her God given opportunity, she seized it. Read the book of Esther and watch God at work in your life.

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Christopher Mulapwa

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