Interpreting the World to the Church Volume 2

Interpreting the World to the Church Volume 2

Sermons for Special Times

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 06.05.2015 )

€ 17,80

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Volume 2 has over 30 sermons preached at funerals, weddings, ordinations, after disasters, on saint's days and for children by an Episcopal deacon who has been physician for 48 years. The Rev. Seibert responds to her call as a deacon to "interpret to the Church the needs, concerns, and hopes of the world" as a narrative preacher. She is a storyteller sharing stories showing the relevance of the gospel on these special occasions to the world where we live and work. Volume 1 has 40 sermons based on the three-year Revised Common Sunday Lectionary in the Episcopal Church, Catholic and most Protestant Churches, usually interpreting the gospel. Dr. Seibert takes seriously Frederick Buechner's advice to homilists and writers that the greatest importance is how well the preacher's words connect to the words inside the listener and how well the listener experiences the gospel during their brief time together. "(It) is not the preacher's eloquence but the lump in your throat or the leap of your heart or the thorn in your flesh.."

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Rev. Joanna J. Seibert MD

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Vallásos kéziratok, imakönyvek, himnuszok, vallásos meditáció