The Copernican and Galileian Revolution:

The Copernican and Galileian Revolution:

Search for a Theology of Science

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 21.06.2021 )

€ 81,90

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The book delves deep into these problems of science, especially the crisis of truth, faith and culture. It can be said that the bifurcation of reality as phenomena and noumena by the philosopher Kant in modernity which altogether denied the ability of human consciousness in knowing and making an ascent to the noumena,might be the conceptual starting point of this crisis. Galileo inaugurated the golden era of science and technology within the frame work of a religious thinking and practice, in a context of prayerful inference and actions that was indeed a means for Galileo and many of his followers like Newton, and Pasteur and millions of others to ascent to truth, in an absolute service of the truth.Therefore the present day vociferous claims that science works while religion needs to be eliminated is unfortunate. For its completion, science needs religion; science emerged from the religious consciousness through its rational interpretation of nature and its processes. Science gives only the empirical truth. But it can’t ascent to the ultimate truth, the One and the Good which is God alone.

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Mathew Chandrankunnel

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Vallás / teológia