You Are a Genius

You Are a Genius

You Just Don't Know

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 09.08.2018 )

€ 21,90

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DO YOU KNOW YOU ARE A GENIUS? What do you think makes the difference between you and those you call genius? The mindset, self-acceptance, and confidence is the answer. “You Are A Genius: You Just Don’t Know” is a remarkable book for ALL. It is inspired and motivated by the inspiration of the LORD to unravel the “True You.” The message in this book is anointed to inspire and empower your spirit, soul, and body to identify that where you are now is not your limit. You are worth more than who you are now! EVERYONE IS A GENIUS! The presence of the Lord your God has never left you but is always with you in the boat of your life journey. “You Are A Genius: You Just Don’t Know” is a compilation of godly transforming wisdom anointed and watered by the Blood of Jesus to give you the revelation of yourself as you read about: Why me?; 11+1 Self-confidence; Resting in Confidence; Soaring High; Don’t give up; How Relevance is Salvation: The Truth; Those Whom You Don’t Know. Those who are making a name and history today aren't different from you. The quotes in this book shall provoke you to do what you haven’t done before and see what you ought to see but haven’t seen until now. YOU ARE BLESSED!

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Eliot Messiah

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