Midnight Prayer Bank:

Midnight Prayer Bank:

Deposits and Withdrawals

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 28.09.2021 )

€ 21,90

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This book is a prayer warrior's manual. It is a source of reference for serious men and women of prayer. If you want to pray with power, this is the book for you. It will help you go deeper in mid-night prayer and to effectively shoot prayer missiles that will hit the target in the bulls-eye every time you pray at midnight. It is a must-read book. If you are serious about your mid-night prayer life going to another level, you should read it. You must understand that if there is a man to pray, there is a God to answer. If you know the theory and practice of prayer, you will agree with me that mid-night prayer is one of the most powerful yet underutilized weapons. This book is an eye-opener for you to get a new revelation regarding mid-night prayer. This is the time you must be violent and take charge of your life. You open fire to your enemy. When you address your night through prayer, you arrest your day. One hour of prayer at night is stronger than six hours’ prayers in the day. This book is teaching you the rules of engagement to be effective in your midnight prayers. It is loaded with scriptures, and stories of renowned men and women in the Bible. It is one of the best books.

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Dr. Joseph C. Pessa

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Vallásos kéziratok, imakönyvek, himnuszok, vallásos meditáció