To the broken hearted I will console

To the broken hearted I will console

Preface of Jean KATASI

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 28.08.2023 )

€ 26,90

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One of the important points I have raised in this book is, to begin to work on our inner wounds. Most of us have ignored our brokenness for a long. Sharing brings healing energy, caring for each other, being free of ourselves, and accepting to grow, we walk now on the way to getting solutions to our problems. Declaring yourself what you like to be. We don’t just live for ourselves, we live for the glory and honor of our God. If the world could learn to touch one another and share the little they have everyone could find a place in this world. It sounds wonderful, and it looks good when people help each other. There is no difficulty that love cannot conquer, everything is possible through the language of love. Binding the wounds of the broken have been a wonderful experience I have done so far, of course from the moment I decided to make a step in writing this book, it was a help I offered. This is not an easy process to take, especially when you are also limited in other areas.

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