Uproot it now... rid fibroid without surgery

Uproot it now... rid fibroid without surgery

How to Appropriate Divine Healing

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 12.05.2017 )

€ 19,80

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Are you in doubt that you are qualified just like your pastor to minister divine healing to sick folks? Are you bugged down by a recurring sickness? Are you under constant pain from sickness or fibroid scourge? Do you have any strange growth or disease that medical science is unable to cure? Then this book is especially for you! Uproot it Now” is a mini book on healing and getting rid of fibroid, tumours, cancer and other body growths without surgery. It is dedicated to all those that are suffering under the scourge of fibroid, other tumours and various diseases. It is a do-it-yourself (DIY) manual on how to appropriate divine healing and put an end to every stubborn bodily growth or disease. The testimonies of ordinary believers on how they were freed from unwanted bodily growths and diseases will encourage you to trust God, travail and receive your healing. This book is a do-it-yourself (DIY) manual on how to appropriate divine healing and put an end to every stubborn bodily growth or disease. Fibroid Disappears after first Child, Single Sister Healed of Fibroid, Aged Woman Healed of Strange Body Growth, Middle Aged Woman Healed of Breast Tumour (...).

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Anthony Amalokwu

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