A Deciding Time

A Deciding Time

Never are we nearer to anyone or anything than we praise and celebrate that anyone or anything...including God

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 02.05.2017 )

€ 54,80

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If we want the world to move closer to God, which we do, we must bring God closer to the world, which is what our God did when Jesus was sent into the world. For your sake, my sake, our children’s sakes and everyone’s sake—even God’s…especially God’s—stop the dividing. Start the uniting. God and the world are watching. Music is a language of the world that is universal and timeless. From hidden tribes of the Amazon to the inhabitants of high rises in Manhattan—everyone plays music and is influenced by it. Music possesses a power to shape moods, determine behaviors and free or ensnare minds. Just look at the clothes and hairstyles that people wear, especially young people, because of what they see some singer wearing on TV, or some music video performer costumed in, or hear tell of in some song. It is passed time that we use the penetrating power and global reach of music to take the universal and timeless message of the Gospel to the masses throughout the whole world…just as we were instructed to do over two thousand years ago.”

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David Syfert

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