The Powers That Control The World

The Powers That Control The World

The controlling authority of the almighty God

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 08.01.2014 )

€ 19,80

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This short book is the third book written by Mr Livinus Ezegbu. The first book is The Final Rise of Biafra and the second book is The Mechanics and Secrets of Gods work. It is a simple short book to read on the spot, an instant digest, understand and assimilate at once. The power that controls the world is an in-depth, dug out from human experiences, from many different data and from the holy book to answer and as well checkmate the increasing fear instill on the man and the people of God that has been created on earth. The book diffuses those believed powers with no powers at all and those influences without influences. Inshort, the power that control the world has comfortably expose all those powers that matters to acknowledge, to keep heed to and to put to work in our everyday dealings/life experiences. Henceforth shelving out the conflicting confusing powerless powers out from the true powers that is on the lead, a perfect shield and in the actual control.

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Livinus Ezegbu

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