The Absence of God

The Absence of God

An Eye Witness Account of the World's Worldliness

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 31.03.2023 )

€ 26,90

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The Absence of God is an eye witness account of how the world has degenerated into animal kingdom where might is right and survival is for the fittest.The book is situated in a milieu covering billions of years, narrated in first person singular with dialogues interjected with suspense filled stories that depict a contemporary world populated with humans that behave as if there is no God. A nonfiction cast in the mold of fiction, the author discusses the creation theories and other scientific doctrines in addition to globalized worldviews and systems that have conspired to throw the universe in turmoil and pain through wars, pandemics, diseases etc that could lead to mass deaths. The author argues that world leaders have behaved in ways that show the absence of God in their actions probably because many of them are of the synagogue of Satan executing the Luciferian agenda. The book calls the attention of humankind to the fact that there is a Creator to whom we shall render account.

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Terna Akambe Nenge

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