I am Use Full

I am Use Full

Psalms 92:12 The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 09.06.2016 )

€ 28,80

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Life is meaningless without the discovery of your divine purpose. There is nothing to live for, wake up in the morning, when you cannot conceptualize and develop further the sub units of your self-definition in the purpose of your being alive. Living life becomes stupidly frustrating when you increasingly become detached from the Source and mentally dependent on your ability to change things by human understanding and strength. I Am Use Full to the extent I can see and act God in whatsoever I do with the talent given to me. Frustration, anger, depression, and all afflictions are the consequences of corrupted divine purpose and lost self-definition. When your usefulness targets what you should get or receive from your dealings you will soon be stranded in the wrong side of life. God has not called us to seek Him in vain hence He filled us up with divine purpose to profit with. Identifying, conceptualizing, developing and implementing purpose is not for the lazy knowledge deficient characterless person. It demands both physical and spiritual continuous development. Never condemn your small beginning even if frustratingly difficult. Nothing good comes easy. Trust God.

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Joseph O. Odigure

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