There is a one God!

There is a one God!

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 19.02.2021 )

€ 23,90

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The Ten Commandments of God, although transcribed directly by Him, experienced multitudes of interpretations and doctrines emanating from codes with His people. The most popular drift is that of the Trinity! Catholic in essence, and originally pagan, was imported from Eastern beliefs. Comprising among other things Marian worship, devotion to the "sun god", prayers to angels and triads. This contrasts with the exclusivity of worship reserved for the God of Israel, the only invisible God YAHWEH, whose oneness this Decalogue has expressly stipulated. From its preamble, it is reserved for the person of its Author: the adoration due by these Semitic people, whom they recently freed from polytheistic Egypt. However, John recalls in his epistles that the nature of Jesus, moreover become Man, announces the stakes of an apostasy, consequence of the perdition of the world which instead began to believe in a Christ of essence and nature. Divine. Why does the duality of Jesus Christ Man at the head of angels explain his earthly and heavenly reign without confusion towards God the Father? How do you explain the confusing verses about ‘’god ’’ terminology in the Bible?

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Samuel Cameroun

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Vallás / teológia