The Mysteries of God

The Mysteries of God

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 06.10.2021 )

€ 21,90

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The word of God is not to be compared with or put on the same pedestal with any knowledge as found upon the earth because that it is the word of God that precedes every other knowledge in creation and in fact, it is the word of God that brought forth the world as we know it John 1:1-2, Genesis 1:3. This is added to the fact that the first asset that was bestowed/ bequeathed to mankind through our first earthly father Adam was the word of the Most High God, which has continued to sustain the earth with signs and wonders for the salvation of all repentant mankind. It therefore rests upon our shoulders, we who claim to be believers of the word of the Most High God to so uphold the word of God above all earthly desires and acquisitions that we may deem valuable Matthew 13:44 (not that we should not own earthly acquisitions, but that they should not take the pride of place of the word/ covenant of the Most High in our lives as to cause us to value the commandments/ terms of the covenant of Christ lesser than earthly acquisitions Luke 18:22). Earthly or material acquisitions are of course needful for the work of the ministry and the furthering of the word of God within the will, purpose.

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Jeremiah Nana (Embaga)

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