Walk in God's Garden

Walk in God's Garden

Bible Lights for Busy Lives

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 06.04.2017 )

€ 31,80

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Daily, we walk in God’s Garden: aglow with sunlight or moonlight, alive with creatures large and small, aflame with the love of family and friends and avid with possibilities for growth or decay, life or death. The Gardener-God accompanies us with his word, which the Bible describes as: “a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105). ... As an Indian Jesuit, the Bible has lit up my path and led me onward despite doubts, difficulties and darkness along the way. I have collected these Biblical lights in this book and included gems from other religions—Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism—that have inspired me. ... This book contains Biblical insights tailored to the ‘busy lives’ of intelligent Christians who have neither the inclination nor the time to read long articles. Believers of other faiths and no religious faith whatsoever may find some inspiration in some of the articles, too. This book will have served its purpose if it gives the reader some new information, as well as a measure of inspiration to foster life and make this world a better place for all people.... May we all 'Walk in God’s Garden' as pilgrims, pastors and prophets of a new world.

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SJ, Francis Gonsalves

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