The School of the Prophets

The School of the Prophets

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 22.11.2020 )

€ 21,90

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A prophet is a person that sees and hears what God wants to pass across and says exactly what he saw, heard or both without interpreting or altering any aspect of it. This means that, a prophet speaks, preaches, teaches and foretells the mind of God The prophetic ability is that which transforms a mortal man into a prophet. Such abilities as, having insight into the mind of God, accessing information which God has to deliver to mankind concerning, purpose or events that are past, present or future. It is the ability to see and say precisely what God wants said.This ability is called a gift, precisely the gift of prophecy. The gift of prophecy is the capacity to receive and capability to expand truth from God. This gift pre qualifies one to operate in the office of a prophet. God gives us these spiritual gifts at conversion. When we were born physically, we received physical abilities (talents), when we are born spiritually; we receive spiritual abilities (Romans 12:5-6). It is only God that can call or appoint a prophet. When God has not appointed you a prophet nor has given you any message, you will be prophesying presumptuously. This automatically makes you a false prophet.

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Victor Bayai Churchill

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