The Success Minute

The Success Minute

A divotional book that all small group leaders and individuals that want to hear from God at any given time

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 2021-10-18 )

€ 23,90

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Many a times leaders in the church stand every day to feed the flock or work hard every day to encourage those that are weak, suffering, hurting and even give all they have be it emotions , prayers and even money. But as i learned after years of serving in the church from a member to a leadership on many levels and there were many days that i wished i could be ministered to, prayed for , it was a difficult time for me.What happened next was what happens to many leaders BURN OUT, this is not a good word that any leader want to hear and for more if you have leaders over you that do not want to understand you , all you will hear in the church when a leader is on burn out " Pray for strength and be filled by the Holy Spirit again" most leaders will never want to know what you are going through, pastoring but you sleep hungry, pastoring but your children cant afford good school, pastoring but your marriage if falling apart.This book will build you and encourage you as a leader and even more if you can do it as a group and pray for one another. Love one another and build too as you serve .

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Benson O. Abwoya

Number of pages:


Published on:



Religion / Theology