All are Chosen People

All are Chosen People

Engaging the Words of Jesus

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 26.04.2022 )

€ 43,90

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Engaging the Words of Jesus contains 12 themes in random order. The first theme, “Humanity as the Chosen Race and People”, places the ‘chosennes’ in the context of all cultures and religions, as a rethinking of the ‘Chosen People’ is urgently needed. Some ‘chosen races’, with the support of their racist ideology for hate crimes and the ‘holy apocalyptic war’, try to dominate and rule others by taking and misinterpreting elements even from the Israeli and Christian religions. The search for a correct understanding of divine chosenness is not to declare it a myth, but to reject a dangerous exclusivism. Created in the image of God, with the consciousness of being chosen and especially loved by God the Father, the humanity hears a divine call not to have privileges but to take responsibility. All are chosen to work with God to create a new heaven and a new earth (Rev 21). Chosen-ness is a ‘project’ that God has entrusted to all. Humanity is on the pilgrimage to the eschatological fulfilment of the chosennes through acts of love, service and suffering.

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Cheriyan Menacherry

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