Scribes On God

Scribes On God

God Is Here

Blessed Hope Publishing ( 26.04.2022 )

€ 24,90

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This book has six scribes, six titles, six works, six author notes; Scribes: 1. God is Here 2. O God Grace Us Live Lionheart 3. O God Let Love Win Parliament 4. You Will Come I Will Wait Some5. O God I Will Wait 6. Living God is Coming Today. Intro to the Scribes: God’s presence, God’s Grace, God’s Love, Waiting for God, Patience Waiting for God, God’s Appearance; Educational Qualification of the Scriber; Scriber Daniel Ray; Who is a Scriber? Preface to the Scribes; Introductory Introduction to the same scribes, Themes covered in the Scribes highlighting God’s Presence, God’s Grace, God’s Love, God’s Appearance, God’s Arrival and God’s Welcoming; Titles Order of Expressions; Notes for Readers; Recognitions by worldwide reviewers with exceptional rating with six stars; Recognised Recognitions and All Time Best Recognised Recognition from a world’s topmost literary community in the USA; About God, God’s Status, God’s Activities in many points; about Daniellian the art and style of literary expressions; Missions, Objectives, Goals of the Scribes; Declarations; Why such expressions; what God does; Birth & Address, Email, Twitter account; 183 Words.

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Daniel Ray

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